Treatment with crowns are most often applied in cases in which we have:
- A damaged or broken tooth
- Tooth with large dental filling that may weaken it
- Crooked or colorless tooth
- Cracked or worn out tooth
- Dental dysplasia
The aim here is to restore lost anatomical shape, impaired function and aesthetics. Usually the teeth against which apply this treatment are dead or having to be put to death. In rare cases, teeth treated with dental crowns can be kept alive.
The dentist will administer a local anesthetic, file down the tooth and make a dental imprint to create the crown in a lab. The whole process will take about 1 week or 5 working days. In that time the patient can have a temporary crown right away in the dental clinic ( made from a composite ) or later in the same day ( made from plastic ). The temporary crown is comparatively cheap. It protects the filed down tooth and restores its functions and aesthetic. It is advisable to avoid chewing gums and sticky and hard foods. Don’t use dental floss too. If the dental crown falls off and doesn’t brake down, call your dentist to cement it.
Most common types of crowns in modern dental practice are:
- Ceramic crowns – with a good strength and good aesthetics. They applied to the rear and in front and occlusal areas of the dental arch. High quality and affordable price.
- Fully ceramic crowns – very good aesthetics. Suitable for anterior restorations. Reasonable price.
- Zirconium crowns – excellent aesthetics and durability. Apply to the entire dentition.
- Metal crowns – healthy unaesthetic. Applied in the final occlusal areas in lack of space.
The price depends on the material – metal, porcelain, gold or zirconium. On average, dental crowns last between 10 and 30 years. The life span of a crown depends on several factors: good oral hygiene, teeth grinding, nail biting, ice chewing etc.