What are dental implants ?
Dental implants are titanium screws inserted in the jaw bone and their purpose is to replace a missing tooth. The implants replace the root of your missing teeth and are used as a basis on which the crowns, bridges or dentures are placed.
Am I a candidate for a Dental Implant ?
We will only know this when you provide a OPG or CT Scan as this will determine your gum and bone density and where your sinus is situated. If one or all of these are compromised, then a Bone Graft or Sinus Lift will be required. If the bone is not thick enough, is too soft or has receded over time, grafting is required to create a solid base to accept an implant. Bone graft can be done either before or during the implant procedure. This may take up to 3 months to heal before any implants. Where the sinus (each side of the nose) is lying too low, bone is added to the upper jaw near the molars and premolars and between the jaw and the maxillary to “lift” the sinus membrane upward to make room for implant.
Can I avoid Bone Graft or Sinus Lift ?
Yes! Immediate dental implants are great solution in the this situation. They are the most advanced system within the group of implants. These implants are well designed for immediate loading and therefore you get your permanent fixed teeth immediately in 3 -5 days. These implants have a high success rate for patients who are smokers, having bone with less height, and those with gum disease. Basal implants are independent of presence of bone volume in vertical dimension. This leads to completely changed therapeutic option in the upper jaw. Sinus lifts have become avoidable because all patients have sufficient horizontal bone naturally, even if vertical bone is missing. It is highly specialized and may be done on a case by case basis – not generally done.
How long does it take to complete a dental implant treatment ?
Traditionally, completion of treatment with conventional dental implants has been performed in two steps ( can take from 4 to 9 months ). The dentist began by placing the implant, which is left for from three to six months to heal and integrate with the jawbone. During the healing period, the patient is given a temporary denture until the permanent crown could be put in place. Immediate dental implants provide an alternative to the two-step method that allows you to have the implant placed in one single session. In just 3 -5 days the patient will be provided with aesthetically pleasing, stable and firmly anchored on dental implants teeth. Immediate dental implants are placed in the very hard compact bone and to get them splinted through the restoration in the first three days.
Is immediate implant treatment more expensive than conventional implant treatment ?
Whether or not that is the case will depend on many factors – especially on the question what to compare. For most patients the usage of immediate loading implants is connected with the avoidance of bone augmentations, bone transplants, etc. These patients save about 35% of the treatment costs and 98% of the treatment time compared with conventional implant treatment.
Is dental implantology a painful procedure ?
No! The dental implant procedure is not painful. Normally local anesthetics are being used. The nervous and anxious patients could be additionally sedated. That is a procedure, where the patient, with the help of pharmaceuticals, is put to sleep. In this way the stress from the intervention is avoided. It is important to know that these are normal post treatment tissue reactions, but not complications of the procedure. They could be easily managed by the clinician.
How long do dental implants last ?
The duration of a dental implant depends on several factors. It is important that the patients who received dental implants have a good oral hygiene and visit their dentist regularly for a checkup. If the person is otherwise healthy, implants can last a lifetime.
What will happen without treatment ?
If teeth are lost, then the supporting periodontal tissue (bone and gums) is also lost over time. As the gums and bone disappear, problems with other teeth, lack of support for dentures, partial dentures, and fixed bridge work increase. The problems associated with tooth loss include pain, mobility of other teeth, lack of retention for prosthetic appliances, sharp / painful jaw ridges and mobile / sore gum tissue. The tongue, being one of the powerful muscles of the body, enlarges to accommodate spaces of missing teeth. Facial muscles tend to collapse due to the lack of support. People with all of their teeth, can eat / function up to five times more efficiently than people without or missing teeth. Periodontal disease (loss of the supporting gums and bone) is progressive in nature. In other words, once we have deterioration of the bone in an area, the likelihood of bone loss occurring around adjacent teeth increases. It is like the foundation of a building, if the foundation is weak or defective in one area, then there is likelihood of the supporting walls or roof developing problems. This is why it is better to address the basic problems of the mouth and teeth before the side effects arise.